IRS Representation

There is nothing more alarming to a business owner and the management team than to receive an IRS letter.

It can set off panic that either the company has done something wrong or that there will be additional money owed.  While it’s rare that the worst fears are realized, an audit can be a tedious and complex process that most do not have the expertise, resources or time to properly manage on their own. Often times an audit involves numerous requests for records, information and other materials to substantiate various items reported on the income tax return. This process is often draining.

For this reason it’s important to understand that “doing it alone” with the IRS is usually not the best approach. It’s often more effective to work with an accounting partner that can manage the process, address requests for documentation, carefully review IRS questions and formulate responses and address other issues as needed.

Get us on your team and we can help you deal with these unwelcomed and stressful situations. We can offer assistance in the following areas:

An IRS audit/examination is an inquiry by the IRS to make sure the individual or organization is reporting financial information in accordance with the tax laws. Generally the IRS can go back within the last 3 years in an audit. If they identify a substantial error, they may go back additional years.

If you’ve received a letter or a notice from the IRS, contact us and we may be able to help.

There are times when normally law-abiding citizens fail to file. Why? Emotional or financial reasons may cause a person to not file. Or it could simply be due to procrastination. Taxpayers are required by law to file an income tax return for any year in which a filing requirement exists. Copies of Tax returns are required for:

  • Federal aid 
  • Buying a home 
  • Financing a business

It can also impact SSA benefits and unemployment benefits. The IRS can impose a wide range of civil and criminal penalties for non filers. The IRS will also levy interest if any amount of tax is due. We can help with filing your back returns and get you in compliance with the IRS.

This provides you relief from additional tax you owe if your spouse or former spouse failed to report income, reported income improperly or claimed improper deductions or credits. Contact us if you have additional questions. 

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