2019 Deadline for tax return(s) and estimated payments
July 15th is significant if you have not filed your taxes or have taxes due to the IRS. Estimated payments for Q1 & Q2, 2020 are also due on July 15th, 2020. Read to find out how you can get more time to file and various payment options for paying taxes from the comfort of your home.
Tax Day – July 15, 2020
Extension available – October 15, 2020
Tax returns (individuals) and payments are due on July 15. IRS allows extensions for taxpayers that need more time to file or pay.
Those that are not able to meet the July 15th deadline can request extension. Those taxpayers that are seeking extension must file form 4868 by July 15th for an extension of time to file. The taxpayers must determine the amount of tax due and pay by July 15th, 2020. Contact us if you need help.
Taxpayers can also get an extension by paying all or part of their taxes due and indicating that the payment is for an extension using the Direct pay, EFTPS and credit or debit card. In this case no separate extension filing is required.
State deadlines may differ. Check the link for state deadlines: https://www.taxadmin.org/state-tax-agencies
IRS has several ways to make payments:
IRS Direct Pay allows payment directly from a checking or savings account. This service is free.
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, or EFTPS. Pay by phone or online. This service is free.
Debit or credit card payment. This service is free, but the processing company may charge a fee. Fees vary by company.
Check or money order made payable to the United States Treasury (or U.S. Treasury) through the mail.
Interest and late-payment penalties continue to accrue on any unpaid taxes after July 15, 2020.
If you cannot pay in full, IRS has several options. Please get in touch with us for help with payment options.